Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Killing Time

My god I'm slower than your Mother at a Slow Mom contest(uncalled-for Mother cut) lately! But I finally have the latest toon done and here it is. This one sprang from a conversation we've had many times questioning the sexuality of the Paladin class and the unnecessarily homo-erotically named talent of "Laying on Hands". The irony that this is a practice of the church and all the trouble their employees have been getting into on this subject is not lost on me. Needless to say, some of us(Myself, Pilfro) enjoy playing the squeaky clean Pallys. Others, Scams included take every opportunity to deride that noble class. Anyhoo, without further ado, here is a situation where the questioned ability could come into play...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More! Give us MORE DDO comics! This one was hilarious!